Plush White Bunny Rabbit 8″

  • This Bunny Rabbit puppet is just the right size for cuddling, whether on or off the hand of Mom or Dad
  • Running to his burrow or nibbling on the garden, the soft and timid bunny rabbit is a favorite animal of young children
  • 8″ Long bunny rabbit Hand Puppet
Product Description
8″ long hand puppet Running to his burrow or nibbling on the garden, the soft and timid bunny rabbit is a favorite animal of young children. This Bunny Rabbit puppet is just the right size for cuddling, whether on or off the hand of Mom or Dad…. More >>

Price: $7.65

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2 Responses to “Plush White Bunny Rabbit 8″”

  1. N. Bonnett says:

    This little bunny is adorable. My pre-k kids adore it and we all pass it around for play time. It is smaller than a regular puppet, it would not fit on a man’s hand (in my opinion) but it does fit mine and the kids wear it too. So glad I bought it.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. C. Henderson says:

    I’d been trying for years to get this puppet, but it was always sold out! Now, that I have it, I can see why. It’s adorable! I use it in my clown routine and the kids love it. It’s a tight fit, though. I’m a big girl and I have to really work at it to get my hand inside. I think it’s too small, personally. But other than that I love it.
    Rating: 4 / 5

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