Posts Tagged ‘2582’


Sunday, November 10th, 2013
  • There are two species of wild turkey, the common turkey of North America and the ocellated turkey of Central and South America.
  • Wild turkeys were domesticated by the Aztecs. In the early 1500s, the Spanish introduced turkeys into Europe.
  • The first English colonists brought domesticated turkeys back to Virginia with them, not realizing that wild turkeys lived there.
  • By the beginning of the 1900s, wild turkey populations had been heavily hunted. Through protection, turkeys have rebounded. They have even adapted to urban areas.
Product Description
Hold the stuffing! This Turkey puppet only needs your hand to come alive. Designed in multi-textures it’s a true representation of our cherished American icon. Designed for use with either one hand or two, the turkey’s tail proudly displays…. More >>

Price: $34.05