Great Horned Owl Puppet

  • 9″ Long x 5″ Wide x 18″ Tall
  • Great horned owls live throughout North and South America. They are one of the most widespread species of owls.
  • The owl’s bones are papery and air-filled so they can fly easily. The soft feathers that cover their bodies enable them to fly without making a sound.
  • The great horned owl is the only bird that has an upper eyelid that can blink like a person, but its vision is 100 times sharper than ours.
  • The great horned owl can’t move its eyes from side to side, but its neck is so flexible that it can swivel its head sufficiently to see directly behind it.
Product Description
Tall, silent, with curving “horns” and stern-looking, yellow eyes, the Great Horned Owl possesses a disturbing beauty. At night, in the dark when we have trouble seeing, he startles us with a sudden, “Who-who-whoooo!” And we are glad we are not smaller than he. This magnificently crafted puppet features feather-like plush, movable wings, a rotating head and blinking eyes.Movable wings. Head rotates with a handle. Levers make the eyes blink.FACTS OF INTERES… More >>

Price: $30.34

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