Posts Tagged ‘Raccoon’

Raccoon Finger Puppet from Folkmanis Puppets

Thursday, March 25th, 2010
  • This stripy-tailed, masked bandit and raider of garbage cans sits perched to steal your heart.
  • From his clever paws to the end of his bushy tail, this Raccoon finger puppet has the classic look of the always-in-trouble, but too-cute-to-punish.
  • Puppets are wonderful for teaching concepts such as food chain relationships, anatomy, behavior, diversity and life cycles.
  • A gift of a puppet encourages imaginative, open-ended play, endearing hugs, and snuggly companionship.
Product Description
This stripy-tailed, masked bandit and raider of garbage cans sits perched to steal your heart. From his clever paws to the end of his bushy tail, this Raccoon finger puppet has the classic look of the always-in-trouble, but too-cute-to-punish. Puppets encourage open-ended play through education, therapy and just plain fun. Folkmanis’ award winning puppets are the best puppets we have ever seen. Pick up a Folkmanis puppet today, you’ll be amazed!… More >>

Price: $3.95